Monday, August 12, 2013

SINsual Sundays is a feature we will bring to you weekly where we pull some of our favorite SINful scenes and post them for discussion.  As a preview for what to expect, we have a quote from our favorite author Kristen Ashley.  This one is from Rock Chick Revenge and is a line that made my toes curl and screaming ensue only to realize I had no one available to relieve some of my stress! 
"...I've been strugglin' with the urge to walk away from my mother, drag you back to my bed, rip your fu****' clothes off and bury myself so deep inside you, you feel me in your throat." ~Luke to Ava, Rock Chick Revenge by Kristen Ashley

Now that quote Chickies falls in the rating scale of 5 flames and what those crazy girls over at The Book Bosses rates as a "Panty Changer" quote!  If you like that quote, check out Rock Chick Revenge by Kristen Ashley....hell read the whole damn series, you won't be disappointed!

Rock on, Nettie


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