Saturday, December 12, 2015

Resurrection River (Men of Mercy #2)Title:  Resurrection River
Series:  Men of Mercy, Book 2
Author:  Lindsay Cross
Genre:  Romantic Suspense
Rating:  4 Sweltering Keys

**Disclaimer:  A copy of this book was provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Ranger James accepted his best friend’s death like a good soldier.

With guilt. Regret. Vengeance. But a forbidden desire keeps pulling him from his mission…

Desire for his best friend’s widow.

Killed in Action. That’s why Amy Carter’s husband wasn’t coming home.

A war widow, alone and broke, Amy struggles to revive her family’s crop dusting service to survive. Now she takes to the skies to find escape. Escape from the pain. From the guilt. From the earth-shattering desire for her husband’s best friend.

Amy and Ranger can’t fight the attraction between them any longer. But one fateful night cleaves their new found love in two...

Can they find the will to fight for true love? Or will an evil so shocking destroy their lives for good?

I am loving the Men of Mercy Series by Lindsay Cross and Resurrection River was downright heart stopping, can't put the damn book down until I was finished kind of good! Resurrection River picks up right where we left off in Redemption River, with Ranger James having to deliver bad news to Amy Carter, his best friend's wife.  While readers get a small glimpse into Ranger and Amy in Redemption River, we had no idea that these two had a history that superseded her marriage to Ranger's best friend Shane.

There are so many game changing things that take place in this book and I don't want to spoil any of those goodies so I will keep this review very short.  Ranger and Amy have lots and lots and lots of chemistry but neither really want to act on it because they feel it will be a betrayal to Shane's memory.  Well sparks can only fly for so long before they catch fire and that's exactly what happens.....they catch fire and then combust!

Resurrection River is non-stop action from the very start and the romance between Ranger and Amy is hot, frustrating at times, but ultimately very sweet.  Lindsay Cross throws in a curve ball and leaves readers with a WTH moment when she reveals the villain in this book.  Even more, I loved how Ranger was with Amy's daughter.  It was cute and sweet and exactly what one would expect when leaving a solider with a baby to care for on their own for the first time.  I'm dying to know what happens with the next book as we will visit the Crowe brothers.  I'm giving this one 4 sweltering keys!

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