P.S. Mild spoilers for the book so read at your own risk!
- Where is the damn Scrib Virgin? That chick been missing since Payne's book and in multiple ways. Alas, I got no new information on the Scrib Virgin.....so that chick is still missing somewhere playing with the birds V brought her!
- When is Butch's ass going to be able to demateralize. Come on, Dude been running for the Escalade for 18 years now! Hell, I don't even think I really even got a good Butch moment in this book so NOPE Butch is still running for the damn Escalade! Go figure!
- What was the purpose of introducing Butch and Manny as brothers but also relatives to Wrath if you were never going to explore the storyline? Really J.R. Really! Soooo Ward did bring up the whole Butch being an air to the King but still no real exploration to this topic.....again I say REALLY J.R. Really!
- Who's the Baby Daddy? I mean, inquiring minds want to know - who was the mysterious doctor impregnating vampire hybrids! Still no FECKIN baby daddy and no traction on the Baby Daddy angle!
- When is Layla going to drop the damn load already? Ok so at the end of this book, Layla is still DAMN prego and Beth has already had the damn baby! Where they do that at? Oh wait, in the BDB world!
- How the feck did Quinn's brother survive in the damn closet/wall for all these damn years? Where they do that at? That dude didn't even show up even though he's living in the house I guess!
- Where the FECK is Rhage and Mary's baby book! Chick you told us that one was coming after Rev's book! That was 5 books ago Damn! I'm just done with Rhage being a Baby Daddy at this point. She spent all that FECKIN time talking about Sola and FECKIN Asil and we didn't even get a Mary/Beth scene!!!! WTF
- Why the HELL should we care about Asil and Sola? Ok, was this Wrath and Beth book, or was it Asil's book? I'm FECKIN confused! Annnnd NOPE still don't give a shit about these 2!
- Celie wants to know where the HELL BOO at? George is front and center but dammit Boo was there first! Boo, better known as GOT DAMN CAT finally showed up and was in just as many scenes as George. Love Boo (I mean GOT DAMN CAT) new name!
- Why is it John Matthew and Beth don't have a relationship when they are brother and sister? Hold the Feck up....actually they are father and daughter but who's counting the numerous confusing storylines at this point! I was soooooo pleased to see her FINALLY give JM and Beth some bonding time. Though I'm still quite confused on why she spent so much time bringing up memories of Darius to JM when she continues to say it will NEVER be revealed that he is Darius.
- Why we don't ever see Nayla in the damn house... oh and where is Fury baby? Again, I was happy as a thick chick in a cupcake bakery about getting some Nayla scenes. Oh and the scene with Z tying her hair bow was just too cute!
- How BIG is this fecking house anyway? Damn they running a Motel 6 with the light out and no one paying rent! Again, where they do that at? J.R. did in fact say the house has over 50 damn rooms so alas, the Motel 6 sign is lite and that bitch is staying on .......
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