Series: Sins Brothers (Book 2)
Author: Rebecca Zanetti
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Sweet Revenge is book 2 in Rebecca Zanetti's hot new Romantic Suspense series the Sins Brothers, and as follow-ups go, this book was OFF the Chain! Well done Ms. Zanetti!
Matt Dean is the patriarch of the Dean family. He has operated as mother, father, brother, doctor, and commander to his younger brothers in a quest to ensure they all survived the ruthless commander responsible for whipping them into super soldiers after they were created. Always putting the needs of his brothers first, Matt has no dreams of finding love outside of his love for his brothers....that is until he finds himself in a little town known as Charmed located in Idaho while looking for the doctor that planted the chips in the Dean brothers' spins. Will Matt survive the one emotion he is unable to control?
Laney Jacobs has been on the run for the last 5 years trying to escape her previous life. She has been careful and cautious, watching her back at every turn, until the one night that she makes the mistake of helping the beautiful stranger bleeding in the alley outside her bar. Having no clue of the danger she has invited into her life, Laney treads carefully while offering assistance to Matt Dean. What she didn't expect was to lose her heart to the beautiful stranger. Praying that Matt never discovers the secrets she's been hiding, Laney prepares to run before things get anymore complicated. Added to her troubles, she has been receiving threats from a nasty serial killer determined to rape and kill her before she can get to safety. Will she trust Matt with her secrets before it's too late?
I Ab-so-lute-ly LOVED Sweet Revenge! Matt is everything I love in an alpha hero. He is selfless, deadly, loyal, great in the sack, confident, and doesn't believe he deserves love. As a hero goes he was awesome! He battled his feelings towards Laney for most of the book, mostly because he thought she would never love him if she saw who he really was. Laney believes that she is broken and that the decisions she made in the past are too big for her to be worthy of forgiveness. As a heroine I loved her character....she was strong, willing to fight for what she wanted, and open to acknowledging her mistakes. I think she is a good addition to the storyline and an excellent match for Matt. I thoroughly enjoyed the bonding scenes between her at Nate and thought the nickname he gave her was cute...Laney-Lou!
The overarching storyline definitely advances in this book leaving fans with more questions about whether or not Jory is dead or alive. Additionally, Zanetti added some new elements to the commander that left me with quite a few questions about the "true" success of his experiments. The brothers are a few steps closer to obtaining their goal of getting the codes for the chips implanted in their spines. With 5 weeks left to get the answers they need, the Dean brothers are on edge but also trying to enjoy the time they have together. And if the suspense fans have experienced thus far is not enough, Rebecca Zanetti drops a HUGE bomb on Nate at the end of Sweet Revenge that provides some insight into the direction his book will take when it is released in the Spring of 2014!. Are you intrigued? I certainly am, and have theories about the true intentions of the elusive Audrey that broke Nate's heart and left him emotionless. I believe she really isn't evil and somehow the Commander and that twisted bitch Dr. Madison spun the truth for Nate and made him believe that Audrey didn't really love him. Either way, this is a book that you should definitely pick up! I'm giving it 5 notes and 4 flames!
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