Our WACKY Wednesday this week cracks me the hell up because Celie has a pet Hamster named Boo (I know, don't judge her :)) and this reminded me of Boo! Enjoy your day Chickies and remember to find something positive to laugh about!
WACKY Wednesday!!!
It is bad to judge a book by it's cover but.....you will get look upon differently if you enjoyed Fifty Shades of Grey!
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WACKY Wednesday!!!!
I can't be the only person this happens to...
Hopefully you will only have this problem after a #1. LOL
Happy Wednesday!
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WACKY Wednesday!!!!
We CAN NOT be the only people that think this when we post an AWE-SOME review.
Yes, we feel some kind of way.
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WACKY Wednesday!!!
Who is their right mind would want a clear toilet?
At least if the toilet is clogged, you will know exactly where the problem sits. EWW
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We love to Chit Chat with all Chickies/Dudes, but we cater to an audience of 18+. Rather than corrupt young minds we ask those under the age of 18 to leave. Otherwise feel free to get down and dirty with the Thick Chicks!
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