Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Lick (Stage Dive, #1)Title:  Lick
Series:  Stage Dive (Book 1)
Author:  Kylie Scott
Genre:  Contemporary Romance

"Love and heartbreak made you breathtakingly stupid, desperate even.  The things you'd try to tell yourself to make it through, hoping one day you'd believe it." ~Kylie Scott

HOLY COW! LICK is THAT Business type of book!  I don't even know where to begin gushing about how much I really loved this book....okay fine, I know but in the interest of not spoiling it for others I won't go into all the ways Lick rocked my world!

Lick starts out with the conventional taboo of boy meets girl in Vegas....girl is drunk and goes off with boy....boy and girl end up married by an Elvis impersonator....and girl has no clue what happened the next morning!  That is basically what happens to Evelyn and David in the book, however Kylie Scott weaves this immense screw up into a heart wrenching, soul souring beautiful story!  I love, love, love how Scott takes this couple through the ringer in a way that allows both parities to grow, challenge their beliefs about themselves and each other, and eventually make it to a place where they can accept their failures and consciously choose to learn from those mistakes and move forward.

What really worked for me in this book was the fact that the main characters did not just jump in the sack and BOOM, BAM, BING....I love you!  Nope, they went through some struggles, faced some real challenges head on, and eventually made their way to finding intimacy in their relationship.  Not, I add that it took a large part of the book for the sex to happen, just that the author didn't immediately focus all of her attention of their sexual relationship but more towards finding a way to build their friendship.

The other part that really worked for me in this book was how gentle and sweet David was towards Evelyn.  They had their problems but he really handled her with care. His intentions were pure, even when he wasn't allowing himself to trust his feelings for her.  There were times I wanted to scream at Evelyn because I felt like she wasn't really standing up for herself...and then I wanted to love her for having the patience to put David's needs in front of her own.

There really wasn't any parts of the book I didn't like.  I would have loved to get a little more insight into the other band members, however I'm a details whore so I'm always looking for more info on the minute details that other readers care less about.  If you are looking for a really good read that doesn't follow the "typical band book" format, give Lick a try....I promise you won't be disappointed!  I'm giving this one 5 notes and 5 flames.

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