Series: Realm Enforcers, Book 2
Author: Rebecca Zanetti
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Rating: 5 Sweltering Keys
**Disclaimer: A copy of this book was provided to me by Net Galley in exchange for an honest review.
Daire Dunne is more than ready to take a quick break from his duties as a Coven Nine Enforcer. When he spots a sexy blonde across a Titan’s of Fire party, it’s not long before she’s on the back of his Harley on the fast track to his apartment. Unfortunately, one overheated kiss in, the woman drugs Daire and steals valuable files that can’t fall into enemy hands. The second he comes to, the hunt is on...If you are a follower of Thick Chicks, then you're no stranger to my love and obsession with all books written by Rebecca Zanetti. She's my go to girl for action/suspense packed paranormal romance, and boy am I loving her Realm Enforcers Series. Wicked Edge is one heck of a ride that's full of action, explosions, near drownings, and down right sexy Daire Dunne finally meeting his match!
Now that Cee Cee has the information to take down an enemy that destroyed her family, she can implement her perfect plan for revenge. Nothing will stop her, not even a shockingly sexy enforcer barging into her life. Not even the spectacular, fire-branding sex engulfing them. But if Daire ever figures out who her family really is, all bets are off...
I refuse to give away any part of the delicious story line in this one but lets just say that our lovely heroine is quite familiar to readers of Zanetti's Dark Protectors series and I for one was not expecting her......AT ALL! **side note: way to go Rebecca Zanetti** Cee Cee (as she calls herself) is hell bent on taking down a long term enemy and she will do it at the expense of her own life. Daire is frustrated and can't quite seem to figure out how she keeps using her feminine ways to trick him and take him down not once but at least 3 times. He's on to her games and determine to get to the bottom of what's she's up to. The problem is that by the time he figures it all out, his heart is on the line and there's no way he'll ever give her up willingly!
Wicked Edge was a fun read from beginning to end and I found myself having to force myself to put the book down because I wanted to know what would happen next. I loved the chemistry between Daire and Cee Cee and I for one fully enjoyed the side play of getting her family in on the action. Rebecca Zanetti continues to delivery on her Realm Enforcers Series and I'm dying to get my hands on the next book. Next spring is somehow feeling like a really long time. I'm giving Wicked Edge 5 Sweltering Keys!
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