Monday, December 15, 2014

Tis the season for the holiday parties at work and with family. Since Christmas is one of our favorite times of the year, Celie and I thought we would share with you 10 days of some of our holiday favorites.  To kick it off, Celie thought she would share one of her family traditions!

With my family, we have the annual White Elephant Gift Exchange. Nettie and I have come up with 10 AWE-SOME gifts that are sure to get you evicted from future games.

These are sure to keep your feet warm and they are oh so soft. 

Every year, people purchase gifts and not notice that the batteries are not included.  **Wow, they didn't even buy brand name batteries! **


 You have to have that one gift that EVERYBODY will fight over.
For the coffee lovers, this one's for you.  **  This one is definitely for Nettie**

I know I'm not the only person that has gift card with a couple bucks on it that get forgotten about. Great idea. Give them to somebody else.

I'm totally laughing my but off at Celie's gifts but I think I can totally top hers. Soooooo my hubby loves his bathroom time. I secretly call him Al Bundy all the time. I thought this would be excellent for him!

For the stud in your life, you should totally pick up a set of these!

Oh and let's not forget the perfect gift for Celie's boss!

What's your favorite White Elephant gift?  Drop us a line and let us know!

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