Title: Law Man
Series: Dream Man Book 3
Arthur: Kristen Ashley
Genre: Contemporary Romance
I am going to start this review by stating I want a Detective Mitch Lawson! Law Man by Kristen Ashley is the third book in the Dream Man series and Mitch is 100% a dream man.
The luck lady in this book is Mara, who unfortunately was raised in the stereotypical trailer park. Mara was able to pull herself up to a new life in Denver where she is lucky to be the neighbor of Mitch Lawson. Along with being extremely shy, Mara has low self-esteem which keeps her from approaching the man of her dreams. On a hot scale of 1-10, Mara rates herself as a 2.5. Luckily Mitch does not have this same view of Mara.
Mitch works for the Denver Police Department as a detective and has had his eyes on Mara since he moved next door to her. Mitch finally gets his chance at Mara after 4 years when she gets a broken sink. That's when their world wind romance begins. Mitch thought he had a lot on his hands with breaking Mara out of her shell, however Mara comes with baggage in the form of 2 kids.
Kristen Ashley did it yet again with the perfect pair. Their love story is full of ups and downs and keeps the reader intrigued from beginning to end. Beware: you may want to call out from work the next day when you start this book because you will not want to put it down!
Book reviewed by Celie